Create Presale

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating your very own launchpad on our platform. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a crypto enthusiast exploring

1. Visit:

2. Verify your wallet & examine the Object ID

2.1 Use Sui Explorer:

Copy your wallet address and insert it into the blockchain explorer

Press to select the ID token you want to use.

Click to select Last transaction Block Digest.

In the Type section, copy from the < > symbol to examine the Object ID.

2.2 Use Suiscan to verify.

Insert it into the and click Connect

Choose Sui wallet

After selecting, the interface screen will display a notification of successful linking (If you already have an account previously)

Click the Profile section located in the top-right corner of the SuiScan interface, under the wallet address.

After selecting the token you want,, choose the Type section. This is Token Address

3. Enter the token address and verify

Copy the Token Address and paste it onto the website.

4. Integrate launchpad data.

To ensure a smooth launch experience, make sure to fill out the necessary information fields:

Provide launchpad details, details to be filled in include:

  • Presale rate

  • Softcap, hardcap

  • Minimum, maximum purchase

  • Refund type, router

  • BeDEX liquidity (%)

  • Listing rate

  • Start time, end time

  • Claim lockup (minutes)

  • Liquidity lockup (days)

To better understand the meaning of the fields when filling in, select About -> Docs

5. Add extra information.

After click on Next section, details to be filled in:

  • Website

  • Email contact

  • Whitepaper

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Github

  • Telegram

  • Instagram

  • Discord

  • Youtube

  • Medium

  • Description

6. Complete

Once you have successfully navigated through all the required steps and supplied all the needed information, simply click the Submit button to finalize the process.

By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this tutorial, you've learned how to set up a presale campaign efficiently. Remember to leverage the customizable options offered by BeLaunch to tailor your presale to the unique needs and goals of your project. This includes defining tokenomics, establishing clear terms for contributors, and utilizing the integrated tools for seamless management.

As you embark on your presale journey with BeLaunch, keep monitoring and adapting your strategy based on the feedback and engagement from your community. Regular communication and updates will further solidify the connection with your contributors and set the stage for a successful launch.

Last updated